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John Kardos Joins the California State Fire Marshal Flame Retardant Advisory Committee

Head shot of John Kardos with black background

Our Research and Development Manager, John Kardos, recently joined the California State Fire Marshal Flame Retardant Advisory Committee. The committee is in the process of updating flame retardant standards for fabrics in California. During his two year appointment, John will represent the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA) and help maintain fair and reasonable flame testing for textiles.

John Kardos’ Background

John comes with over 20 years of flame retardant and textiles experience. As the Research and Development Manager at Snyder Manufacturing, he has firsthand knowledge of flame tests and developing products with flame retardant properties. His background will ensure the textile industry’s interests are served, and his experience will help shape the new standards.

About The California State Fire Marshal Flame Retardant Standard

According to the Office of the State Fire Marshal of California they,“…issue certificates of registration for approved flame retardant chemicals, for those individuals and companies that apply flame retardant chemicals, for nonflammable materials, and for fabrics that have been treated with flame retardant chemicals. All approved and registered flame-retardant chemicals; nonflammable materials and treated fabrics are first subjected to laboratory testing and must satisfactorily demonstrate their flame-retardant capabilities.”

Why Do These Standards Matter if You Aren’t in California?

Although the committee determines standards in California, they are recognized across the country as being the foremost body overseeing flame retardant chemicals. Most tent companies prefer fabrics that follow these standards. Suppliers of tent fabric, like Snyder Manufacturing, choose to follow them to provide the highest level of fire protection for their customers. Outside of California, there is also the National Fire Protection Association, but California’s standards are more robust in comparison.

What’s different about Snyder Manufacturing’s Flame Retardant Fabric?

Many fabric manufacturers apply flame retardant topically whereas Snyder’s is inherent to the product itself, a part of the chemistry used to create the fabric. This method is superior to topical treatments because exposure to outdoor elements or laundering and washing will not reduce the effectiveness of the flame retardant property.

Testing Flame Retardant Fabric

Additionally, Snyder tests every lot of fabric to ensure it meets the California State Marshal requirements. When we do large runs, we do multiple tests. Quality control is of utmost importance to us as an organization.

Are Snyder Manufacturing Fabrics California State Marshal approved?

Yes, we are proud to say that our products meet these standards. Independent lab tests certify our products each year.

Request a Fabric Sample

Are you interested in our flame retardant fabric? You can request a sample online here, or contact our sales team here for more information.

About Snyder Manufacturing

Snyder Manufacturing is an American manufacturer of high-performance laminated fabrics, PVC coated mesh, extruded films and military specification materials. We deliver on-time, high-quality standard and custom solutions for a wide range of applications for commercial, industrial and government customers in many industries.

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